CHERRY TRULUCK is an artist and researcher, who tends towards edible, collective, collaborative and sometimes curatorial work. Her transdisciplinary work explores the possibilities of food and farming as an artistic practice, focusing particularly on temporal rhythms in agricultural systems. Working with community building, botany, cooking, farming and performance, she seeks rhythms in the dialogue that food creates between the body and the land.

Cherry is currently Artist in Residence for Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Chase + Chalke Landscape Partnership) and is working on a PhD with the UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training, where she is based at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) at the University of Aberystwyth.

Cherry founded Custom Food Lab in 2018 and led the organisation as Creative Director for 5 years. Custom is a decentralised programme of collective action led by artists, designers, researchers, growers + activists who are passionate about food and the future – where food comes from, how it’s grown, it’s potential to tell a story, to connect people to each other, to nature, to heritage, to rediscover lost sustainable practices, to imagine a food system outside of capitalism.