The Oat and the Oyster

Mode:Feast with print and audio
Date:11 October 2022
Location: Nicoletta Fiorucci Foundation, London

A Frieze launch event with narrative feast and accompanying print and audio work, served on the bank of the Thames as the tide began to rise.

The following text was a piece of speculative fabulation written to explore the possibilities of an interspecies love story between two rhythmic bodies, united by water and the gravimetric tide.  It was shared with guests at the Nicoletta Fiorucci Foundation in October 2022 through a QR code link on the menu and at Rudimentary Rhythms at Delfina Foundation in November 2022 it was displayed on the wall and invoked during a seed sowing ritual.

Time: 11am, height of tide: 1.82m


photos by Alise Kirtley